Tuesday, July 27, 2010

This is it... for real!

And yet again, I make ANOTHER resolution that this time, I really WILL lose weight. Between you and me, this is my 2nd attempt at a blog to help me lose weight. But I realized, I need a support system. I tend to make excuses to myself and I hate it. I need to be more disciplined! I need to eat healthy and in moderation and more importantly, I need to exercise regularly. I don't usually overeat but I think there's still a possibility I lessen the fatty stuff.

Thanks to The Secret and all these other things I've been reading, I want to take a more positive approach to weight loss this time. I want this to be about healthy living. I actually found out a couple of months ago that I have PCOS and I really need to change my lifestyle. Eat healthy. Exercise... 2 goals that sound pretty simple!

I can do this. I WILL do this. That's my pinky promise.

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